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Measure N Information

Measure N Information:

Over 16 years ago McKinleyville voters approved a bond issue that was used to upgrade all three school sites, improve accessibility, improve HVAC and windows, upgrade parking/walkability and exterior repairs, as well as the MMS Gym. 
The MUSD School Board and Staff are placing a Bond Issue on the November 2024 ballot. Faced with aging classrooms and the need to bring school facilities up to current standards, we need to modernize and renovate our aging schools. 
The proposed measure is a $18.5 million general obligation (G.O.) bond program. The measure is intended to address the needs of the student population through modernization, renovation, and construction projects at the District’s three schools. 
Our schools are outdated, and major upgrades and renovations need to be made. Although facilities have been well maintained over the years, our schools are old, with aging classrooms and facilities that do not meet 21st century standards. Today, our schools need major classroom and infrastructure improvements to maintain the quality of the school facilities and education provided to local students. 
Proposed Projects:
Upgrades to safety/security systems
Repair Roof, Kitchen, Sewer systems 
Remove outdated portables 
Add Early Childhood (TK) specific buildings
Add theater arts center and storage to the MMS Gym
Improved fields and tracks at all sites
Bathroom reconfigurations at MMS to improve supervision/privacy
Add accessibility improvements at all sites
Add outdoor gathering/teaching spaces and green space to concrete areas
Updates to school offices for accessibility and safety
Upgrades for energy efficiency, electrical independence
Central Avenue Marquee to improve community connection
How did the District come up with the project list for the proposed measure?
Over the last several months, with input from staff, teachers, parents, community leaders, and an architect, the District has prepared a School Facilities Needs Analysis. The Needs Analysis identifies the major repairs and upgrades that need to be made. In addition, a community survey was conducted to obtain voter opinions on specific projects and to gauge support for a school improvement measure.
Why can’t the District meet its facilities needs with its current budget?
Today, the scope of improvements needed at the McKinleyville Union Elementary School 
District is far more than the current funding sources available. The per-pupil funding the
District receives from the state is intended to be used for the day-to-day business of 
educating children, not for the costs of upgrading, modernizing, and repairing facilities.
What is a general obligation (G.O.) bond?
G.O. bonds fund projects such as the renovation of classrooms and school facilities, as well as construction of new schools and classrooms. Similar to a home loan, G.O. bonds are typically repaid over 30 years. The loan repayment comes from a tax on all taxable property - residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial - located within the District’s boundaries.
What will happen if the proposed measure does not pass?
If the proposed measure does not pass, our classrooms and school facilities will continue to deteriorate. In addition, funds that would otherwise go to classroom instruction will be needed to make critical and costly repairs at each school. Consequently, major repairs will need to be postponed, and as a result, will likely be more expensive to make.
What will the proposed measure cost?
The tax rate per property owner is estimated to be $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation per year (Do not confuse assessed valuation with market value. Assessed valuations are the value placed on property by the County and are lower than market values). Check your property tax statement for your current assessed valuation. 
How can I be sure that funds will be spent on improving our local schools?
By law, all bond funds must be spent locally and cannot be taken by the state. In addition, a local independent citizens’ oversight committee will be established to ensure that funds are properly spent. Also, by law there must be annual audits of expenditures and no money can be used for teacher or administrative salaries.

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2024 Board Meeting Schedule

School Board Meeting Schedule

We invite you to attend our monthly school board meetings. Attending is a key way to get involved and make a positive impact on our district.

Volunteers Welcomed

We are so pleased to be able to welcome Volunteers again!
Follow this link to find the procedures that will enable you to be one of our highly appreciated volunteers.


Oct 15

MUSD PTO Meeting

Time: 6 PM – 7 PM
Location: Morris Elementary School, 2395 McKinleyville Ave, McKinleyville, CA 95519, USA
Nov 19

MUSD PTO Meeting

Time: 6 PM – 7 PM
Location: Morris Elementary School, 2395 McKinleyville Ave, McKinleyville, CA 95519, USA